Publication of this book was financed by European Community, the PHARE programme Renewal of the Educational System of the Slovak Republic in cooperation with the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic.
INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1: THE IMPORTANCE OF CULTURE Priorities of Contemporary Slovak Culture Aims of Cultural Education of Citizens CHAPTER 2: THE NATURE OF AESTHETICS Nature of Aesthetics A) Variants of Aesthetics B) Position of Aesthetics Among Sciences Non-classical Version of Aesthetic Education CHAPTER 3: THE NATURE OF CIVIC EDUCATION Nature of Civic Education Multiculturalism in Civic Education CHAPTER 4: THE TEACHING AESTHETICS IN CIVIC EDUCATION The Teaching of Aesthetics in Civic Education Aesthetic Education - Education Towards Cultural Refinement A) The Humanistically-educated Classes B) The Non-humanistically-educated Classes Complex Aesthetic Education CHAPTER 5: CIVICS TEACHING TRAINING Cultural Competences of Civics Teachers A) Purpose B) Content C) Methods and Forms D) Results |